What type of corporation should I form? How do I benefit from a taxation stand point? From a legal stand point? Should I provide employee benefits, such as health insurance, group life insurance, group long-term disability income insurance, and 401k or IRA? What is a DB and DC Plan(Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution plan)? What's Profit Sharing Plan? Are any of my competitors doing these? What's the best option for me, my business, and my employees? Do I have to contribute to all my employees or can it be discriminatory? How do I keep my top employees and executives? What if one of them die pre-maturely or become disabled? Will that affect my business? By how much? How long will I recover from my losses? Should I consider a Key-man life and disability insurance? Should I consider an executive bonus plan? I have a partner in the business with me, what if he retires from the business, becomes disabled, or dies? How will his/her shares be distributed to his/her family? What if I don't want to liquidate part of my business to pay his/her family because I need the capital to run my business? Will his/her family want to be in business with me? Do I want them to be my business partners? Will I be dealing with their attorneys? Will there be broken relationships? I have a buy-sell agreement in place, should I fund the agreement? How? Contact us for a FREE business analysis.