How much do I need to retire? Am I saving enough to eventually retire comfortably? Is there a gap between my social security and my retirement plans? How do I make up that gap? What if I outlive my retirement plans? What if I want to continue to work but can't due to physically incapable or because no one wants to hire me at that age? Can I rely on social security? What if what they say is true.. that social security is running out of money? What happens to my pension plan if my employer laid me off or closes down the business? Can I self fund a pension plan? What is RMD?What happens if I don't take distributions during RMD? How much am I required to take by the RMD? How much should I withdraw from my retirement plans so that they will last as long as my remaining life? Calculate your social security benefits.
Is it true that I will only receive 75% of my social security benefit at age 62? What's the best time to start taking my social security benefit? When will I get the full benefit? Should I take my benefits out first or my spouse's? What if my spouse has passed away? What if I have been divorced? Can I take my ex-spouse's benefit because his/her benefit is higher than mine? How many different ways are there to access my benefits and my spouse's? What's the best way out of all? Contact us for a FREE Social Security Analysis.
How much will healthcare cost me when I'm retired? Run a FREE detailed analysis.
Is there such thing as FREE money from my employer? Should I contribute to my 401k plan? How much should I contribute to it? Is maxing it out always the right answer? Can I contribute more than the max amount set by the IRS? How do I contribute to a Roth IRA if my income is too high? What other options there are that are similar to Roth IRA? How does 401k work? Taxed? Loan options? Penalized? Can I take money out of my 401k at anytime? What's Roth 401k? Why people convert their 401ks to Roth IRA? How does it work? When should I consider doing that? I don't know how to manage my 401k/403b/457 and I never look at it, can someone help me with my 401k/403b/457 investments? What's the difference between a 401k, Solo 401k, 403b, 457, Roth 401k, 401a, 409a, 412e3, Keogh, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, Simple IRA, SARSEP, ESOPs, Annuity, Payroll Reduction IRAs, Defined Contribution, Defined Benefit, Deferred Compensation, Profit Sharing Plan, etc. How do my stock options work? NSO? ISO? ESPP? RSU? RSA? What's exercising an option? When ar they vested? How do I calculate a grant? What are the tax consequences? How do I eliminate or reduce my tax liabilities? When is the best time to sell them? I'm self-employed, what retirement plan options do I have? How do I maximize my tax deductions and contribute enough for my retirement? Contact us for a FREE consultation.